Thursday, November 28, 2019


Here, Yalom tries to set the record straight about Certainly protagonist Josef Breuer has been overshadowed by Freud in popular consciousness excuse the pun. I loved it, although it was a slow read-not because of any flaws in the book but because I stopped often to think about the text, which also presents many interesting concepts: You are not a cow, and I am no apostle of cud chewing. Whether books like this are the gateway drugs to harder stuff or an end in themselves I couldn't say view spoiler [ because I don't know view spoiler [ at a guess both probably hide spoiler ] hide spoiler ]. Yallom 1 16 Apr 28, The discussions between the two are quite priceless and the way Yalom chooses to present their interpretations of the discussions after each session is also priceless as it shows how two different people can create two different realities from the same raw data. plansul lui nietzsche film

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Yalom, however, approaches his grandiose subject matter with such candor that each character seems to be himself written from a different angle as though their struggles were once his own. Furthermore, the quoted aphorisms are indeed intriguing and somehow weakly philosophical.

Nietzsceh not to say 'give me a tissue you bastard, can't you see I'm crying'? Psychiatry is indeed a field of Byzantine relationships.

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The film is worth seeing but the novel is an improvement and adds details not as artfully displayed nor as well communicated in the film version. Feb 21, Rick Slane rated it really liked it Shelves: Oct 11, Laysee rated it it was amazing Shelves: Influenced by the revolutionary ideas of his young disciple Sigmund FreudJosef Breuer starts the dangerous strategy that will mean the origin of the psychoanalysis.

He developed the talking cure in his seminal work with his patient, fictitiously named Anna O. The fictional aspects of the story convey this message. Breuer, I must see you on a matter of life or death. To be honest, I have seen TV movies that were better than this, some of them starring Armand Assante.

It is strong on each of those topics. From chapter 15 onwards, Nietzsche is an outstanding tilm who knows the ins and outs of human soul and helps Dr Breuer with his despair.

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Some of the events of the story did not happen, but they very easily could have happened, this being a definition of fiction put fort In reading this book I was hoping to better understand the German existentialist philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche -both the man and his particular form of existentialism.

Furthermore, in exploring each character, Yalom regurgitates their respective theories, while failing to move into the realm of new intellectual challenge either one of them might have presented to the other. These are all things I shall teach you in time. They lie flat, with little development other than more information parted to the reader. Trivia About When Nietzsche Wept.

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Yalom plays a bit with history in this book. Women are false saviors.

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It was definitely one of those books, where you should always have a marker ready to highlight all of these beautiful philosophical sentences, that might change the way you This book was surprisingly good, I didn't expect to like it plannsul much as I did. To ask other readers questions about When Nietzsche Weptplease sign up.

When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel of Obsession

Although it may leave you with the desire to burst in with a jar of wasabi paste and a spoon. Also, the Dr's secretary suffered from a severe case of hamming it up.

This page was last edited on 17 Septemberat Should it be this way? This book and this author have no idea why and clearly they only understand Nietzsche as if he were a comic book character. I have no home, no circle of friends to whom I speak daily, no closet full of belongings, no family hearth.

The most important lesson that I am learning from this book, what is sticking in my brain and I would love to keep remembering it is what Nietzsche is advising Dr Breur to do: Yallom sets the stage early s, Vienna by using two historic figures, Dr.

Go rent one of those! Is this story true?

You wonder about a conversation I raised my case. It does have some minor flaws for instance BIG spoiler aheadwhen view spoiler [Breuer "comes back" from nietsche hypnotic experience with Freud and finds out he really is in love with his wife — she never for a moment thinks his renewed love for her to be weird and out of character, since he had not loved her one bit so far, at least for the last several months hide spoiler ]but all in all Nieyzsche consider it to be a good novel, which I wouldn't hesistate to recommend to my friends who love good literature.

Don't forget that your experiences are authentic -personal- don't try to make better someone depending on your own Why did i wait too much to read this book? Whatever does not kill you makes you luui.

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